Fields Han Cunniff PLLC

Fields Han Cunniff PLLC is a law firm specializing in high-profile human rights cases, with notable clients including the Attorney General of the Cherokee Nation and other Native nations across the United States. I modernized the firm's website to showcase their legal expertise and win new clients.


Web design

Social good




UI Designer, SmartBug Media

Hero section for Fields Han Cunniff homepage

The challenge

Fields Han Cunniff is a small firm with big clients. Being extremely selective about the cases they pursue, the firm needed a professional online presence to prove their credibility and attract clients that fit their mission.

It's hard to find time for design when you're busy saving the world, so Fields Han Cunniff did not have brand guidelines beyond their logo and colors. They needed a designer to expand on these limited elements to create a slick, cohesive site.

Desktop mockup of final designMobile mockup of final design
Demonstration of hover animation next to the logo that inspired it

The solution

The new site is simple yet stylish, built on scalable templates that can grow alongside the firm. Inspired by a previous logo for Fields PLLC, the graphic elements and button animations evoke a box with an open side. Dark blue overlays make hero images feel authoritative and cohesive.

Full homepage design for Fields Han Cunniff


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