Jobs for the Future: Impact Employers

Jobs for the Future (JFF) is a national nonprofit that partners with employers, investors, entrepreneurs, and policymakers to achieve equitable economic advancement across the U.S. labor force. I designed a microsite and digital publication to drive engagement among corporate leaders.


Web design


Social good




UI Designer, SmartBug Media

Desktop mockup of JFF website next to a report about increasing worker opportunity and business performance

The challenge

The job market in the United States is deeply inequitable. According to JFF, more than half of the U.S. labor force faces systemic barriers to advancement, which are felt most heavily by people without a 4-year degree, people of color, women, and people with criminal records. JFF seeks to help people in these groups gain economic stability by increasing access to quality jobs and higher education.

One way that JFF hopes to achieve this goal is by reaching out to corporations and advocating the Impact Employer model, which prioritizes the well-being of employees when attracting, developing, and retaining talent. JFF needed a microsite to educate corporate leaders about this framework and funnel them toward becoming Impact Employers.

Desktop mockup of final designMobile mockup of final design
Two example graphics of young job seekers masked inside a cube shape

The solution

The new microsite enables corporate leaders to explore content relevant to Impact Employers all in one place. Bold color choices and 3D hover effects create moments of delight as visitors scroll the page, calling attention to resources and spurring leaders to action.

Full homepage design for the JFF Impact Employer homepage
3D hover interaction on resource linksDesktop dropdown menu with an item selectedExample landing page hero for a research report

A cohesive brand

JFF's eye-catching colors and 3D elements continue across downloadable content, creating a lively document that people will feel excited to read.

Eight example pages from a document designed for JFF


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